
Monday, 14 December 2015

Book Week

For the last two weeks Room 12 have been working as a class to work on our book week. Our author was Elisabetta Dami we picked her because we like reading her books. We had to talk to each other before we put anything on it we had to agree with each other. It took time but we finished it. It was really good because we were relating to each others. Our class participated towards our learning. Miria and Elizabeth were the organizer they were the ones that came up with the good ideas we all agreed because no one want to put stuff in that we won't like on their. We all had fun working with each other.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Practice Practice Makes Perfect

Students sweating, Teachers watching and Coaches instructing…….. WHEWW what a day!

The clock was ticking and we didn't have much time to get ready so we had to work as a class quickly.  Last week, 12 November we were lucky to have Trevor come to our school and teach classes how to play touch rugby out on the field in front of the junior classes. We practiced after morning-tea, it was hot and windy at the same. We started of with some basic drills. Our maximum time was 45 minutes. We were fortunate to have an experienced coach to give us lecture on how to play touch rugby. He has short white hair and he is skilled in Touch Rugby.  

To begin with we learnt how to plant the rugby ball in between our legs. We had to practice and practice. Trevor told us “It’s not a race,” because our group was competing with the other groups. We all participated and co-operated  to complete our activities.

Our coach then gave us a few questions to see if we were listening to what he said. “What do you do when it’s a hand over?”
Some students answered,”Plant the ball between your legs, step over, step to the side and back.”
“Correct!” Trevor said
He taught us new tactics that we can teach our younger siblings.

I enjoyed being trained however I was also exhausted. I learnt a lot of new touch techniques.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Congratulations For Being Successful Students!!!

On Monday we had a Syndicate Assembly. Room 9 was suppose to host the assembly but unfortunately we had a school assembly instead, so we had to have a short syndicate assembly. When we began Miss Ginders said, "It's time for us to practice the Christmas songs for prize giving."  The first time the song was played, we had to listen and the second time we sang along to the song. Then, it was time to see who had being successful students from Room 12. We had Miria and Damien. Everyone who did really well to receive their awards  should be proud of themselves.

We Are Having Fun!!!

Yesterday some lucky students were picked to go to Sylvia Park to watch some of the Films that students made this year. Miss Ginders and Mrs Buchanan both made a film.  They both did really good films. Everyone who participated in the films did a pretty awesome job. Everyone had fun at the movies with their friends.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Achieving Your Goals

Supplementary Test Achievement In Reading

Students Ready, Clocks Ticking and Test Beginning.

Last week on the 3rd of November the whole Senior Block sat a STAR Reading Test. We all had our test after morning tea. It was a very hot day but we had to switch our brains on. We started at Eleven O’clock.

Screenshot 2015-11-12 at 10.03.50 AM.pngThe clock was ticking minute by minute. Mrs Golder read out the instructions to us. She explained it loud and clear. Before our teacher said “go” I was clicking my pen. When Mrs Golder said “BEGIN” I was so nervous because I wasn't sure if I can improve my marks from last year. We had 45 minutes to answer the questions.

Firstly we began with the first page, the first page` was straightforward because we had to look at the pictures and circle the word that represent the picture. We had four minutes to complete the first page. Students were racing along answering the questions. When we moved on to the other pages I wasn't sure if I could do it. Most of the pages were simple.  

There were a lot of pages but we were able to do it. We were all nervous at the start but we were okay at the end. If we had finished one page we had to go back and complete the ones that we had missed out. We had to answer every single question.

During the test I had a feeling that my pen was going to run out because my answers were wrong. I also had a feeling that the answers that I circled first was right but I was confident about the answers that I circled. The STAR Reading Test was easy at the beginning and difficult toward the end but I knew that I tried my best.  

Finally I had finished the whole test I was really happy because I had a feeling that I was doing pretty well. I was proud of myself.  

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

First Time Trying This!!!

Last week On Friday, the whole school gathered together to see students perform their Poems. All classes had three finalists.  As always we started off with Room 1, followed by Room 3 until we got to Room 12. Room 12 finalists were Elizabeth and Florida they performed their poems very well. Some students made the audience giggle.  It was really amazing having to watch and listen to the finalists doing their poems. I think that the students who did their poems were at their standerd.  I also think we did a pretty good job on our first year doing it.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Good Job On Getting Your Awards

Yesterday, Room 10 hosted the Senior Syndicate Assembly. We sang two songs -  one of them was called 'We are the Champions' because the All Blacks won the Rugby World Cup.  After singing the songs it was time to see who had achieved any of their goals. We started with  Room 12, followed by Room 11, Room 10 and lastly Room 9. It was really cool seeing all the students who have improved a lot.

A Huge Step For Mankind!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Exhausted Students After That Long Run

Students jogging, walk and dawdling. Teachers started yelling to students to take off their jumpers.

When the bell rings every morning from Monday to Friday the Senior Block lines up to get ready to run. Students have to run around the streets to keep themselves fit and to get us prepared for school cross country and inter-school cross country competition.

We line up into our class lines. We talk and talk until the teacher tells us to be quiet. Miss Ginders tells us when to go. Year five start followed by Years eight, seven and lastly year six. Students begin running delightfully.

Years five and six do two laps unless they are fast enough and do three like the years seven and eight.  Teachers say that years seven and eight have to do three laps but some students do only two laps.

The students go for their first lap and they start off with a steady pace then they sometimes move on to a faster pace. Students run towards Mr Reid down to Mrs Buchanan and back up to Miss Ginders. When we get to Mrs Golder she says “Take off your jumpers”.  

When some of the students who started last pass the years sevens and eights they sometimes feel embarrassed. When some of the year sixes pass us like Lupe  we just cheer them on.  We sometimes cheer on the people who do less running and more talking.

When students go for their second lap around they start to huff and puff because they are tired. Some students huff and puff because they talk too much.  Other students don’t huff and puff because they go at steady pace and they also do less talking.

Some students get really annoyed with some of the students who run round them.  Some students run furiously and some run pleasantly. Students dawdle when they don't run.  Students sometimes run clumsily and some day-dream while they run.  

When students reach the finish line everyone is happy they get to stop and rest.  We were lucky we got to the finish line.

On Wednesday the 16th of September we had our School Cross-Country. The seniors had the opportunity to watch their sisters and brother run.  Year five had to do two laps, years six and seven did three laps and years eight had to do four. When the teachers said that we had to do four laps we were really angry because we never tried four laps. It was much harder doing four laps on the day. After the four laps run year eight were really exhausted that they ran straight to the taps for a drink.     

We all tried our best to come 1st, 2nd and 3rd but unfortunately only three students can go to the inter-schools. We enjoyed running as a school because we improved a lot from the other years.

Cross country starts
Ready Set GO
Steady pace
Slow runners

Cheering for students
On the track
Up you get
No talking
Try your best don’t give up
Repeating fitness 5 times daily
Yay we have finished

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Asthma Is Important

Last week Thursday we had a special show.  The man was talking to us about Asthma.  Its was really important for us to listen to the man so we can help the people who have Asthma.  Some student were really lucky to go up and hold some of the man items. We really liked listening to him because it was interesting.  Afterwards Sailor the Fish was called out. He was really fat that he couldn't fit through the door.  We really enjoyed watching the Asthma show.

Working As A Group

For the last few  weeks we have been doing cubes and squares.  We were in three groups. I was with Elizabeth, Kolotina and Sini. We all enjoyed working as a group. We were having a competition with the other groups. We all tried to work together and try to make the least noise.  We enjoyed making the cubes. We had to make seven by seven by seven.  Our WALT was to use cubes and squares to solve multiplication problems.

Cindy in da House

On Monday 36 students were picked to go to Point England to watch their Dress Rehearsal. We walked to Point England Primary School.  When the show began their principal told the teachers and parents to put their phones on silent. The lights all went off.  The show was about Josh and Cindy. It was based on Cinderella.  As soon as the music went on the show was getting more exciting. I really enjoyed the dancing.  We all showed our manners toward the students who were performing. After the show Suliasi thanked Point England for inviting us to their Dress Rehearsal.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


For the last four weeks on Fridays we have been doing origami. We started off with a butterfly and dinosaur. It was up to us if we wanted to work as a group or individually. It was difficult in the beginning but we got it at the end. To learn how to make it we went on YouTube. Students in Room 12 made butterflys, dolphins, hearts, roses, owls and bow ties.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Showing Off Our Talents

Yesterday Room 12 hosted the Senior Syndicate Assembly. Some of us had parts to say and some students didn’t have parts because they didn’t want to be in our assembly. Miria was our organizer. For our assembly we had a talent quest to show off other students' talents. Everyone enjoyed our talent quest. Rooms 9 and 11 came first, Room 10 came second and Room 12 came third. Everyone tried their best but it was up to the judges to make the decisions. We had a happy day hosting Senior Syndicate Assembly.  

Friday, 4 September 2015

Donate To The Cancer Society!!

On the 28th of August all classes made Daffodils. The best Daffodil had to go up to Mrs Vickers.  Everyone tried their best but there only can be one best Daffodil.  Every year Ruapotaka School donates a gold coin to the Cancer Society. 

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Daffodil Day

The whole school had to make Daffodils for Daffodil day. In Room 12 we made origami daffodils. We had three students show us how to make a Daffodil. Elizabeth was my leader she gave us instructions and we had to follow them. We all tried our best to make the best Daffodil but unfortunately Mika won. Every year we donate to the Cancer society.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

My Personal Identity

My Personal Identity is affected by the people who I hang out with and also the people I talk to all the time.  So this means my friends and family. My Personal identity is also affected by my community, social media and culture.

What makes me different from other people is that I have different looks. I have a different behaviour and  I’m smart in different ways to other people.

There are many ways that I relate to with other people. I relate to people on facebook. I normally relate to others by talking to them face to face.

My friends are the ones I trust with taking care of some of my stuff. Friends are the ones I respect and I care about. My friends are one of the people that tell me to try.

My family are the people that take responsibility of me and are the ones that care for me. My parents are the ones who push me to get a better education at all times. My parents are the one who tell me to try to do my best in everything.

When I am on social media I have to make sure that I’m above or at the age that I’m suppose to. I have to make sure that I add friends that I know because I might accept people I don’t know. Sometimes I don’t add or accept people because I know that they’ll be annoying to talk to. Social media makes me, me because my pictures and my statuses show my friends who I really am.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Year 7 and 8s come second again!!!

Schools all ready, referees steady, the whistles blow like a confetti. We versed heaps of schools. We won all our games but unfortunately we lost in the finals against Sylvia Park School. Even though we didn’t come first we were all overjoyed. We came second. Yay!   At the end of the day we did our school proud.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

My Personal Profile

Room 12 all had to make a Google Presentation about our Personal Profile. On our Personal Profile we had to do stuff about ourself. On my Google Presentation I did my friends, family, church, and my favourite movie.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Matters Of Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene can affect your body. You can have good personal hygiene and bad personal hygiene. Good hygiene includes clean skin and good care of the mouth, teeth and hair. If you have bad personal hygiene you need to do something immediately.

Not brushing your teeth is also included in bad hygiene. It can also leave your teeth with plague causes your teeth to rot and gives you bad breath.   If you know your teeth are damaged like having brown nasty stuff it will be good to check your dental nurse and get advice.

Biting your nails is also bad hygiene because when you’re biting your nails you're biting the dirt from your nails. Biting your nails is bad because your nails have bacteria. Always make sure that your nails are clean before you start munching away.

Make sure that you have a shower or a bath everyday. Having a shower is good hygiene because you’re  keeping your body clean and healthy and your taking off all the dirt and all that smell off you. So if you want to be clean have a shower once a day.

Bad hygiene can be caused by many different ways like not brushing your teeth, not washing your hair, not washing your hands, sharing your drinks with others, touching people after they sneeze. So all these things can lead you to become sick. So if you want to have good personal hygiene you just have to take up good hygiene habits.

Bad personal hygiene can lead you to painful diseases. You can catch the flu from anyone.  You can get Hepatitis A if you have bad personal hygiene. If you want good personal hygiene take care of yourself because these diseases and sickness can be serious.

So if you know that you have bad personal hygiene just change your cleaning habits.

Brushing, Brushing, Brush this way.
Keeps our teeth clean everyday.
                      Once in the morning, then at noon
And at night when we all see the moon
Brushing, Brushing, Brush
Keeps our teeth healthy everyday.

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Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Preventing Illness

Preventing illness is a way of stopping the spread of germs to people. Illness is a sickness that can be treated and cure.

Not washing hands and not using a tissues can cause illness. If you don’t wash your hands after going to the toilet and not using a tissue  to sneeze in you can cause illness. Also, poor hygiene as well as not  using a tissue to blow your nose can spread the illness around your family house.

You can get any kind of illnesses like asthma, chicken poxs, colds and coughs.  It’s good to be in touch with your doctor frequently.

An illness is different to a disease because an illness can be cured and treated but a disease can be treated. An illness is not that bad but a disease is very bad because if you have diabetes you will have it for your whole life.  

You need to cover your nose when you are sneezing, block your mouth when you are going to cough, keep in touch with your doctor. When you  have a sore throat go straight to your doctor because you might get rheumatic fever and that can harm your heart.  

Keep In touch with your doctor so the illness you have won’t get worse.
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                                         MADD MESSENGER

Last week on Friday we had visitors from Madd Messenger. They came to talk to us about how it’s important to stay in school and finish your learning so we can have a better future and career. He told us if we finish primary we go to intermediate, after that we go to college and after all of that we go to university. After all that long talk they decided that we could play a game. The point of the game was to listen and follow instructions. The Madd Messenger people came to give us information about what we need to do to make our future better.    

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Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Preventing Electrical Injuries

       Preventing Electrical  Injuries

Injuries from electricity and electrical appliances can harm you and also kill you. There are many different ways for you to get electrical injuries.

When you get electrocuted you may get hurt. That’s why you have to be 1 metre away from hot appliances.  Make sure that your kids are away from cords and  ovens before they get burned.

There are many ways to prevent electrical injuries. Replace missing or broken wall plates because it protects your fingers from the electricity wires. You have to do a thorough check for electrical wires before cutting through the wall because any time that the tools makes contact with electrical  lines  the person holding the tools is likely to be shock.

When you get electrical injuries, there are many kind of injuries you can get.  You can get burns, scars and other injuries.  Your burns and scars can get really worse if you don’t get a cream or go to your doctor. You also can get paralysis. You may also die from electrical injuries, so keep talking to your doctor about the injuries you have before you die.

Make sure that electricity and water don’t meet because you can get hurt. So make sure baby's or little kids don’t tip water from any electrical appliances because they will get hurt.  Make sure you repair and replace cords before baby's touch them. Look after cords carefully.

Never leave appliances hot like irons because you don’t know children can touch them and then they get burn. So make sure after you use it that it’s not warm before you put it away. When you are at home make sure you keep an eye on what you are doing.  When you're at school make sure the teachers plug the cords into the plate on the wall.
          So if you want to be safe and live remember to turn everything off after you use it, keep an eye on what you are doing, look after cords and also make sure that your kids don’t drink water besides cords.
    Take care when using electricity it has the power to kill you.

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Thursday, 28 May 2015

My Cake Image

Every Wednesday at Tech we always do cooking. Last week we had to decorate our cake.  Every group got chocolate, icing and other stuff to adorn our cakes. After we dressed up  our cake we gave our cake to Mrs Tuipulotu so that she can take a photo to put it on our reports. Everyone’s cake looked really sweet. After I decorated my cake I thought it looked  yuck but when I tasted it,  it was amazing.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Waste Performance

IMG_2333.JPGOn Monday the 25th of May we had a Waste performance at school. The performers' names were Matt and Andy. Their performance was about waste. 
Matt always puts his unfinished food in the fridge. So the next day he goes and buys the same food again. One day a worm called Andy was hungry so he went looking for the person who was putting his food in the waste bin. So Andy finds the person and tells Matt to put his food in the  food bin so that he can eat.  Matt did what he was asked. 
We learnt that we need to SAVE YUMMY LAND AND MAKE A PLAN.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Preventing Illness

                                        Preventing Illness

Preventing illness is a way of stopping the spread of germs to people. Illness is a sickness that can be treated and cure.

If you don’t wash your hands after going to the toilet and not using tissues  to sneeze in you can cause illness. Also, poor hygiene as well as not  using tissues to blow your nose can spread the illness around your family house.

You can get any kind of illnesses like asthma, chicken pox's, colds and coughs.  It’s good to be in touch with your doctor frequently.

An illness is different to a disease because an illness can be cured and treated but a disease can be treated. An illness is not that bad but a disease is very bad because if you have diabetes you will have it for your whole life.  

You need to cover your nose when you are sneezing, block your mouth when you are going to cough, and keep in touch with your doctor. When you  have a sore throat go straight to your doctor because you might get rheumatic fever and that can harm your heart.  

Keep In touch with your doctor so the illness you have won’t get worse.
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Friday, 15 May 2015

Solving Word Problems

During Term 2 Room 12 have been doing addition. We had 5 strategies. Each person had to make up their own word problem and choose one strategy.

Strategy 1 -  Stranded Place Value
Strategy 2 - Tidy numbers same compensation.
Strategy 3- Increase and decrease
Strategy 4- Place Value Partitioning
Strategy 5- Combine compatible Numbers
Strategy 6- Use algorithm

Ten bottles of water have 550 litres, another five  bottles have 450 litres and the last bottle of water have 8000 litres. How many litres were there altogether?

550+ 8,000 + 450

= (550+450)+ 8,000

= 8,000+1,000

= 9,000 litres of water

Can you guess which strategy I used?

Water Usage By Humans And Plants

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Every living thing in the world needs water to survive. All living things use water in a similar or different way. Every form of life needs water to live. Humans and plants both need water to live.

Humans need water to drink. Humans use water to shower,  toilet flushing, dish-washing, cooking, drinking and gardening. Our body is roughly 60% of water. Our brains has 70% of water and our lungs has 90% of water. Humans waste a lot of water by washing their dishes,, car washing and bath time. Humans need to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Whenever humans do exercise they lose a lot of water.

Like humans, plants also need water. They need more water than any other living things in the world. Plants need water for photosynthesis. That's why plants need water because photosynthesis is what create food. Plants also need water to grow and create food and sugar. Plants use more water than animals. Plants use 90% of water. The water controls the plants temperature.  When we water the plants the water goes down the leaves to the stem. Plants need a lot of water like humans.

Humans and plants use water differently. Humans drink water and plants consume water. Humans need more water than plants. Plants need water for different things and humans need water for different things too.

Humans and plants both need water to survive.

Water is important to all living things on earth.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Gathering with the other schools

Getting Together With The Manaiakalani Schools

Noisy people,  children shouting and a really cool event.

    Last week, on Tuesday we went to Pt England for the Hokule’a Landing. Our four fabulous leaders who represented our school went to the front of the Haka group to do their actions. Every school had more than one leader.  Before we sat down we took  photos.

We weren’t sitting for long until the waka came. When the waka came we starting to sing one of our songs. Our leaders started off the song and then we joined in.  We saw smiling faces, calm waves and a lot of people talking. There were 11 schools and only one college which was Tamaki College. After we sang our first song this man from the waka started to talk to us. We were listening to the man speaking because we had to show manners.  When the man finished talking we started to sing our other song.

Some people from the waka came on this little boat and then they carried on bringing  other people to where we were  standing. Not that much people talked to us, it was mostly the men talking. This man said, “We are the children of the navigators."

The day was a special event and we got to high five the special guests. Room 12 were the first ones to high five them from our school.. It was really fun. At the end of the day we were THE CHILDREN OF THE NAVIGATORS. Screenshot 2015-04-01 at 10.04.47.png

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

St Kents PE Day

On the first day a St Kent's teacher came to pick up some students to go in the van to St Kent's. Sini went in the van with Miria, Cypress,  Anvae, and other students. When they arrived at St Kents she parked at the car park and walked us to the hall. 

 Some St Kent's students asked Sini and others if they wanted to play basketball with them. Sini said, "Yes." 
So they went to play with the St Kent's student.  When the rest of the school members arrived, they were already in their teams. They came to sit next to us. Sini’s group were playing basketball with one St Kent's students. Before they got into the game they had to warm up. After they warmed up they got to play.  

When they were getting into the game Mikayla went to play against another group and Sini went to play against Cypress and Simon's group. They had to mix the teams so Sini and Cypress were in the same team.

They had a lot of fun at St Kents.
                 Sini is as  sporty as a dolphin.

Syndicate Assembly Award

Screenshot 2015-03-31 at 11.22.15.pngI received my award for my initiative and enthusiasm for my learning.  I am an   enthusiastic student and I enjoy learning.  I didn’t know that I was going to get another award.  I felt really happy when I received this award.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Dear Dairy

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Dear Dairy

 I am really angry about how dad and mum have separated. I am also sad that mum spends more time with Becca and now I feel left out. I hated when Becca and Brian moved in because Becca got to have my bedroom.   I only like Becca because I make her do my homework.  
I don’t like it when my dad hurts  me because I get bruises. I’m sad when dad and mum argue  about me. I don’t really like talking to mum because she never listens to me.    
She always says to go to talk to dad. I only like him when he comes to my basketball training because I get to spend more time with him.  When dad ask for me mum says, “No.”
I am really happy when I’m with Jack because I give him alcohol and he drinks it and I look out if someone is heading our way.  Jack is the only person I can tell my secrets to because he is the only one who listens to me.  

I’m happy to write this down because I get it out of my mind.      

I’m as angry as a tiger.