
Thursday, 12 November 2015

Achieving Your Goals

Supplementary Test Achievement In Reading

Students Ready, Clocks Ticking and Test Beginning.

Last week on the 3rd of November the whole Senior Block sat a STAR Reading Test. We all had our test after morning tea. It was a very hot day but we had to switch our brains on. We started at Eleven O’clock.

Screenshot 2015-11-12 at 10.03.50 AM.pngThe clock was ticking minute by minute. Mrs Golder read out the instructions to us. She explained it loud and clear. Before our teacher said “go” I was clicking my pen. When Mrs Golder said “BEGIN” I was so nervous because I wasn't sure if I can improve my marks from last year. We had 45 minutes to answer the questions.

Firstly we began with the first page, the first page` was straightforward because we had to look at the pictures and circle the word that represent the picture. We had four minutes to complete the first page. Students were racing along answering the questions. When we moved on to the other pages I wasn't sure if I could do it. Most of the pages were simple.  

There were a lot of pages but we were able to do it. We were all nervous at the start but we were okay at the end. If we had finished one page we had to go back and complete the ones that we had missed out. We had to answer every single question.

During the test I had a feeling that my pen was going to run out because my answers were wrong. I also had a feeling that the answers that I circled first was right but I was confident about the answers that I circled. The STAR Reading Test was easy at the beginning and difficult toward the end but I knew that I tried my best.  

Finally I had finished the whole test I was really happy because I had a feeling that I was doing pretty well. I was proud of myself.  

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